
SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions is now part of Veolia.

Veolia has acquired most of SUEZ businesses, and working together to pull the best from both businesses to serve customers and solve their water, wastewater, and process challenges.

The SUEZ WTS business is now known as Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions (VWTS). The change of SUEZ branding and legal entity to Veolia is undergoing to reflect the new business name.

July 31, 2020

The group Engie announces a strategic review and puts its stake in the capital of Suez up for sale.

August 30, 2020

Veolia offers to buy 29.99% of Suez from Engie, before launching a bid for the balance of the shares in order to merge the two companies at a later stage.

October 5, 2020

Engie’s Board of Directors accepts Veolia’s offer for its stake in Suez. Veolia acquires 29.9% of the capital of Suez from Engie and confirms its intention to acquire control of that company.

January 7, 2021

Veolia formally delivers a proposed offer to the Board of Directors of Suez including the whole of the project.

February 8, 2021

Veolia’s voluntary public takeover bid for all of the Suez shares that it does not yet own is officially filed with the Financial Markets Authority.

April 11, 2021

Veolia and Suez reach an agreement allowing the merger of the two companies.


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